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Vacation Accrual Adjustments
Adjusting the amounts related to an employee’s vacation accrual is easily done using the Additional Features / YTD Entry Option
What you will need is;
Either the Accrual Summary Report
Summary of Earnings and Deductions report from the most recent payroll run.
The following steps only apply to employees that have accruals setup in the Calculations Tab in their Profile.
Step 2
First Screen is Earnings - Leave Blank
Select Deduction Detail - Leave Blank
Select Additional Amounts
Using the Magnifying glass select the Accrual you are Adjusting. (see notations below)
Enter the amount you are adding to their current YTD value as a positive
Enter the amount you are subtracting from their current YTD value as a negative
Press Enter to SAVE
If your accrual set up pays from Balance Forward in the current year then you will select Bal Fwd to adjust.
Otherwise you should always select the Accrual "EARNED"
Remember: This adjustment will add to or subtract from their current value in the Untaken.
Step 1
Select Additional Features
Select YTD Entry (Year to Date Entry)
Select Pay Period End Date that reflects the date these changes belong in
Select the Employee
Extra Tip:
If the employee has a negative amount in Untaken you will enter that value as a positive to bring it to zero.
Step 3
Select Exit once you have Saved your Entry
Takes you back to Deduction Detail screen. Press Enter to return to Employee Selection​
Once you have completed all the employees Select Exit once you have Returned to the Employee Selection Screen.
Lastly select View Current ADJ to view your entries
Upon running the Calculate Pay an Adjustment Report will Generate as well for you to review and save for your Records Management.
Below is our link to the full Year To Date Entry Manual for further Details